Months and Days of the Week
March and November always start on the same day of
the week. This year, it’s on Tuesday.
Similarly, April and July always start on the same
day of the week. This year, it’s Friday.
Similarly, September and December always start on the
same day of the week. This year, it’s Thursday.
On leap years, like this year, January also syncs up
with April and July, and February connects with August.
On non-leap years, January connects with October, and
February syncs up with March and November.
Both May and June always start on different days of
the week from any other months.
The reason for the April-July connection is that
there are always 91 days between those months, and 91 days is exactly 13 weeks.
Same as for September and December: always 91 days,
which is exactly 13 weeks.
With March and November, there are always 224 days
between them, which is exactly 32 weeks.
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